Video 59 – Therapy Thoracic Spine Sterno Clavicular Sitting D
Therapy Thoracic Spine Sterno Clavicular Sitting D
Source: Alex Tiemes, 3DMT
Have the person sit relaxed and upright. The therapist approaches the person from the back, placing one arm under the armpit towards the clavicle on the cranial side of the sternal end on the same side. The other hand approaches the Manubrium Sterni from the opposite side. During this procedure, the head is actively rotated in line with the rotational component of the overall movement chain.
Extension and lateral flexion also fit into this chain; the three movement components are guided by the therapist's body. In this overall movement, a shift occurs ventrally, and depending on the typology, the other two parameters are executed.
In the case of extension of the cervicothoracic transition, where lateral flexion and rotation occur - a B- or D-typology - there is a corresponding movement of the shoulder and arm towards anteflexion, abduction, and exorotation. The clavicle is part of the movement chain related to C7. If C7 performs an extension simultaneously with rotation and lateral flexion, the clavicle and the manubrium sterni follow suit. In the sternoclavicular joint, the clavicle will move caudally, along with rotation. The manubrium sterni also moves in the same chain, performing a B- or D-typology.
The sternal end of the clavicle is manually moved gently caudally in the sternoclavicular joint, along with rotation dorsally, executing a B- or D-typology in that joint.