Video 58 – Therapy Thoracic Spine Sterno-Cost Manubrium-Corpus Sterni Sitting
Therapy Thoracic Spine Sterno-Cost Manubrium-Corpus Sterni Sitting
Source: Alex Tiemes, 3DMT
Have the person sit relaxed and upright. The therapist approaches the person from behind and palpates with one hand the manubrium sterni and with the other the corpus sterni. The manubrium sterni is brought into flexion or extension, together with rotation and appropriate lateral flexion. The corpus sterni is restricted in this movement, causing the forces to occur in the transition from the manubrium to the corpus sterni, the angulus sterni, where rudimentarily a joint is present.
During the execution of an A- or C-typology, the corpus sterni cannot be restrained. In that case, the movement occurs solely by manually manipulating the manubrium sterni. The whole movement is executed by the whole body of the therapist.