Video 55 – Therapy Thoracic Spine T3-T6 Sitting A
Therapy Thoracic Spine T3-T6 Sitting A
Source: Alex Tiemes, 3DMT
Let the person sit relaxed upright with the right forearm relaxed on the lap and the left arm behind the back. This marks the first step in the movement chain, namely the rotation to the left. After locating the vertebra prominens of C7, palpate the spinous processes of the thoracic spine up to T6.
The movement chain is further expanded by flexing the head and cervical spine, rotating to the left, and performing a lateral flexion to the right, corresponding to an A-typology. The person's eyes are directed to the left, aligning with the rotational component of the movement chain.
The therapist's left arm goes in front of the person, encompassing the thorax and the right arm up to the person's scapula. The therapist approaches the person closely on the left side with the thorax. The therapist's right thumb locates the spinous process of T6 and pushes it to the right. Since the rotation axis of the thoracic vertebrae is located in the corpus, a rotation occurs to the left. Simultaneously, the therapist performs a lateral flexion to the right, supported by the left arm, along with a shift dorsally to the left. These three components together form the A-typology. The mobilizing force is mainly exerted by the therapist's body, while the hands and fingers provide nuances in the direction of this force.
After T6, T5 is mobilized in the same direction, followed by T4 and T3. Each time, the left hand should be positioned higher to apply the mobilizing force as precisely and nuanced as possible in terms of strength and direction. During mobilization, the movement chain can be further emphasized by exhaling.