Video 54 – Therapy Thoracic Spine T3-T6 Sitting D
Therapy Thoracic Spine T3-T6 Sitting D
Source: Alex Tiemes, 3DMT
Have the person sit relaxed in an upright position. Place one hand behind the back, the other on the head and rotate the head to position the body in the correct movement chain. Locate the vertebra prominens of C7 and then determine the position of the spinous process of T7, which aligns with the inferior angle of the scapula. Let one arm pass in front and embrace the respective ribs corresponding to the thoracic vertebrae being mobilized.
The mobilization is initiated by the therapist's body and refined by the fingers moving the spinous process and ribs in the desired direction. The shift is initiated by the therapist's body, pushing and rotating the person's shoulder caudally with the armpit.
The person is asked to breathe in slowly when the desired movement is successfully initiated. The eyes, head, and cervical spine are moved in the same direction as the movement of the thoracic spine to emphasize the movement chain.