Video 50 – Therapy Sacro-Iliac Side C
Therapy Sacro-Iliac Side C
Source: Alex Tiemes, 3DMT
Have the individual lie down relaxed on the right side on the treatment table with the head in a slight flexion on a pillow. Also, place a small elevation under the lower legs to facilitate the movement chain with a lateral flexion to the left and flexion. The therapist holds the right Crista Iliaca with the left hand and palpates the Spina Iliaca Posterior Superior with the thumb.
The person is slightly rotated backward to fix the right part of the pelvis (os Ilium) on the treatment table and achieve a nearly horizontal position of the Sacroiliac joint. The right hand palpates the caudal part of the os sacrum. On the ventral side, the therapist approaches the individual with the thorax and provides a shift consistent with a C typology, dorsally and to the right. The left hand stabilizes the right pelvis and Spina Iliaca Posterior Superior, while the right hand performs a lateral flexion and flexion on the os sacrum. This results in a combined flexion, a rotation to the right, and a lateral flexion to the left, a C typology.
Subsequently, the assumed C position of the os sacrum is maintained by the left hand. The right hand palpates the Crista Iliaca and moves it dorsally, performing a rotation dorsally, along with the shift dorsally and to the right, consistent with a C typology.