Video 48 – Therapy Lumbar Spine Supine A
Therapy Lumbar Spine Supine A
Source: Alex Tiemes, 3DMT
Let the person lie relaxed on their back, with arms alongside the body. Bend one leg at a time and place the foot approximately at knee height. Bend the other leg and position the feet next to each other. Then, lift both feet simultaneously from the surface by flexing the hips with the forearm under the knees. Place one hand under the sacrum. Lumbar flexion can be achieved through hip flexion and traction on the sacrum.
Move the knees laterally and push the sacrum towards the contralateral side to achieve lateral flexion. These two parameters constitute the final of the three parameters. If lateral flexion is executed to the right, it results in rotation to the left, characteristic of the A-typology. When rotation is performed in the flexion position, the third component becomes lateral flexion, suitable for both A and C typologies.