Video 44 – Therapy Lumbar Spine Prone B
Therapy Lumbar Spine Prone B
Source: Alex Tiemes, 3DMT
Allow the person to lie on their stomach and place one arm alongside the body, while the head is rotated in the same direction. Lift the leg on this side, just above the knee, with one hand. Palpate the Spina Iliaca Posterior Superior with the thumb of the other hand and lay the palm along the Crista Iliaca. Perform nutation with the pelvis when lifting the leg.
Subsequently, the contralateral part of the os sacrum is pushed ventrally during the lifting. This initiates a rotation of the sacrum, fitting the movement caused by the leg lift; an extension. These two components result in the third parameter. The same movement direction, a rotation, is executed at the processus transversus of the lumbar spine. From this prone position, an extension is performed. By introducing rotation as the second parameter, the corresponding lateral flexion follows.
This movement is somewhat facilitated by also bringing the leg into abduction, creating a lateral flexion and easily eliciting the associated rotation. The head in the correct rotation and one arm alongside the body influence the entire chain of movement.