Video 42 – Therapy Lumbar Spine Side D
Therapy Lumbar Spine Side D
Source: Alex Tiemes, 3DMT
Have the individual lie down comfortably on the right side with the head in a slight extension and left rotation on an elevated pillow. Also, place a small elevation under the lower legs to facilitate the movement chain with lateral flexion to the left and extension.
Allow the person to place the arm on the flank. These positions of the arm, legs, and head facilitate the movement chain corresponding to a D typology. Palpate for the interspinous spaces; the processus transversus of the lower vertebra can be found at that level. By pushing the processus transversus on the right side of the upper vertebra forward, together with the processus transversus on the left side of the lower vertebra, the upper vertebra will rotate to the left. The thorax of the therapist approaches the flank of the person and shifts the two vertebrae and lumbar spine to the right.
These forces together create a shift forward, constituting an extension, combined with a rotation to the left of the upper vertebra and a lateral flexion to the left. The person moves the upper body and head together with the therapist in a rotation to the left, thereby facilitating the movement chain. The upper leg may be positioned in slightly more extension of the hip than the lower one.