Video 29 – Diagnostics Thoracic Spine Sitting
Diagnostics Thoracic Spine Sitting
Source: Alex Tiemes, 3DMT
Have the person sit relaxed on the treatment table, with the backs of the knees against the edge of the table. Ask the person to look over their shoulder and rotate their body in the same direction. The rotation begins with the head, followed by the Cervical Spine, and then the Thoracic Spine. This sequence of movements should be executed precisely.
By manually supporting the low Thoracic movement (Th7 – Th12) and applying gentle pressure to determine the Range Of Movement and interpret the end feel, a difference can be observed between rotation to the left or right. Request a repetition of this movement and provide manual support to the upper part of the Thoracic Spine (Th2 – Th6) by moving the shoulder and scapula in the requested rotation.
Again, determine the Range of Movement and interpret the end feel. Note the difference between rotation to the left and right. Manual support of the lateral flexion of the Thoracic Spine is performed by providing caudal compression on the shoulder and causing a shift of the Thoracic Spine to the contralateral side. This movement can be repeated for both the upper and lower parts of the Thoracic Spine. During this test, ensure that the shift is executed correctly while maintaining balance and that the head and Cervical Spine initiate the movement. Ask the Thoracic Spine to extend by first extending the head and Cervical Spine.
Ensure that the Cervico Thoracic Transition is also properly extended. Through gentle manual stimulation at the level of the Manubrium Sternum in the cranial direction, stimulate the Cervico Thoracic Transition to perform the movement correctly. Observe the Range Of Movement and assess the end feel. Evaluate the kyphosis of the Thoracic Spine when performing flexion, initiated by flexing the head and Cervical Spine.