Video 23 – Gait Analysis 3D
Gait Analysis 3D
Source: Unknown
In this video, you can clearly observe the Heelstrike phase, the Stance phase, the Toe-off phase, and the Swing phase. The forces and movements developed during these phases are well illustrated in this animation of the walking pattern.
During the Toe-off phase of the right leg, where a shift occurs towards the left front, a B typology will occur in the pelvis, the Sacro-Iliac joint, and the lumbar spine. When placing the left foot on the ground, the Heelstrike, the body's centre of gravity will shift to the left front in the direction of the shift to keep the projection of the centre of gravity within the plane of support. Now, the right leg can enter the swing phase with a slight elevation of the right pelvis, creating a lateral flexion. When the right hip moves into flexion, an A typology of the pelvis, the Sacro-Iliac joint, and the lumbar spine will occur. The left leg will now perform a shift in the right front direction.
Just before the Heelstrike of the right leg, there is a D typology of the pelvis, the Sacro-Iliac joint, and the lumbar spine due to the existing shift to the right front. At the moment when the Toe-off phase and the Heelstrike phase coincide, there is a slight lowering of the pelvis in spatial position. After the Heelstrike, there is still a movement of the body's centre of gravity towards the right front in the direction of the plane of support, the foot. Now, the left leg can enter the swing phase and perform a movement from a C position. When both feet still have contact with the ground, the position of the pelvis is spatially the lowest. In the Toe-off phase, the shift propels the pelvis ventrally, upward, creating a lateral flexion. The pelvis is spatially the highest on the side of the swing phase.
The sequential typologies in the physiological walking pattern are as follows: B A D C - B A D C – B A D C.
If there are weak abductors of the articulatio coxa(e), causing the pelvis on the swing side to be lower, a non-physiological movement pattern arises; the right pelvis descends, correlating with lateral flexion to the left, accompanied by a shift to the left front, towards the left foot in the Heel strike. In this movement pattern, there can be no effective force transmission, leading to facet arthrogenic problems in the long run.