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Video 14 – Bone Tissue

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Bone Tissue

Source: Anatomy Bio 

This video provides a detailed depiction of the structure of bone tissue. Bone segments are presented as a collection of components due to anatomy and the desire to label each of these parts. The function of each component is discussed in the chapter "Introduction to Tissues."

Understanding the interconnectedness and integration of all functions provides insight into the actual function of a bone segment. How can a bone segment adapt to changing pressure and tension forces? What cellular changes occur at a qualitative and quantitative level, and what is the balance between osteoclasts and osteoblasts? Understanding this plasticity of bone tissue provides insight into rehabilitation processes and "return to sport."

Reasoning from these processes implies that changes are also possible in the movements that bone segments can make against prevailing and changing pressure and tension forces. Ingrained postures and movements that one has maintained and executed for years can be altered, with not only muscular and ligamentous changes but also chondral and osteogenic changes occurring to perform the new postures and movements with as little energy as possible

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Copyright 2025 Alex Tiemes - 3DMT