Video 13 – Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts
Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts
Source: Amgen (Youtube) - Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts -
In the intricate dance of bone physiology, osteoblasts and osteoclasts take centre stage, contributing to the dynamic nature of this vital tissue. Bone, a dynamic and ever-changing entity, undergoes a constant process of construction, breakdown, and rebuilding known as bone remodelling.
At the heart of this process are osteoclasts, multinucleated cells derived from monocytes in the bone marrow. Functioning as the demolition crew, osteoclasts break down bone tissue, liberating essential minerals and molecules stored within the bone matrix. This includes vital minerals like calcium and phosphate, along with biologically active molecules such as growth factors.
The release of calcium from the bone is not just a process; it is a crucial player in maintaining the body's overall homeostasis. On the other side, responsible for the construction of new bone tissue are the osteoblasts. Emerging from cells associated with blood vessels, osteoblasts become active, producing the organic component of bone called osteoid, primarily composed of collagen. As minerals crystallize around the collagen structure, hydroxyapatite forms, becoming the major inorganic constituent of bone containing calcium phosphate.
The story of bone health extends to bone mineral density (BMD), a measure that aids in estimating bone strength and assessing fracture risk. But the tale does not end there. As osteoblasts diligently contribute to forming new bone tissue, many find a permanent place within the matrix, differentiating into osteocytes. This intricate process, involving structure, composition, and cellular interactions, allows bone to serve dual roles.
It acts as a reservoir for vital calcium while providing essential structural support for organs and facilitating locomotion. In this ongoing process of bone remodelling, osteoblasts and osteoclasts orchestrate a harmonious ballet, ensuring that bone remains a resilient and adaptive foundation for the body's intricate functions.